【轉知海外會議訊息】 2020 Oldways Whole Grains Council Conference

2020年Oldways Whole Grains Council Conference將於9月14至15日(星期一、二)在巴西里約熱內盧(地點:里約熱內盧喜來登度假大酒店)舉辦。

Learn about whole grains in the beautiful, sunny city of Rio de Janeiro, and experience the rapidly growing whole grain market firsthand. In line with the style of previous Oldways Whole Grains Council conferences, sessions will include research updates on whole grain nutrition, food and wellness trends, whole grain culinary innovations and recipes, marketing strategies, and proven approaches for getting more people to enjoy more whole grains. Additionally, this conference will provide an update on whole grain regulation throughout the Americas, as Brazil is one of several Latin American countries currently revisiting whole grain regulation and labeling. 



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