補助通知! 2019加拿大薩克其萬省農業貿易會議_7月10-12日 2019/04/30

2019 Saskatchewan Asia Trade Conference



◎窗口:加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處-黃慧怡 資深商務經理



>  100% of one room charge for up to three nights (July 10-12, 2019) per company. If additional rooms are required, they will be at the buyers’ own expense;

>  STEP may provide a $500.00 travel allowance to qualified companies;

>  STEP may cover conference registration fees, meals from the evening reception of July 10 to lunch on July 12 (inclusive), and business tours for up to two persons per company;

>  Pre-arranged, customized business to business meetings;

>  Market overview and outlook from Canadian government officials and industry leadership speakers;

>  Free optional business tours to visit Saskatchewan farms, grain terminals, food processing facilities, research & development centers, and key Saskatchewan suppliers.

>  Saskatchewan’s $4.25 billion food processing industry includes more than 300


•扁豆 (lentil):加拿大98%、全世界65%
•豌豆 (pea):加拿大93%、全世界55%
•金絲雀種子 (canary):加拿大90%、全世界71%
•杜蘭小麥 (durum):加拿大87%、全世界39%
•亞麻籽 (flaxseed):加拿大83%、全世界36%
•鷹嘴豆 (chickpeas):加拿大70%
•燕麥 (oat):加拿大62%、全世界36%
•芥末 (mustard):加拿大57%、全世界25%
•大麥 (barley):加拿大47%、全世界3%
•小麥 (wheat):加拿大38%、全世界5%